Elite Force model-editing suite for Milkshape Version 1.0, August 2nd, 2002 - tested with Milkshape 1.6.0 INSTALLATION Extract the two .dll files into you Milkshape directory. IMPORTING - File->New - File->Import->Elite Force MDR... - select the MDR you want to import - IMPORTANT NOTICE: After the import you'll find a file with the extension .anm in the import directory! This file is contains the necessary information the exporter will use to keep the animations. SCALING A MODEL - select all groups of the model - select 'Scale around the Origin', it won't work with 'Scale around Mesh Mass'! - create a file ( using your favourite ASCII-editor, e.g. notepad :P ) named exactly like the file you want to export to, e.g. lower.scl <- note the extension, has to be scl !! - write in the following line: X-Rotation Y-Rotation Z-Rotation (use the values from Milkshape) an example would be: 0.5 0.7 0.3 - save the file and close it EXPORTING - File->Export->Elite Force MD3... - enter the name of the MD3 file, e.g. lower.md3 - select the .anm file the importer created Et voilą... Have fun with this tool :) TheSnerd < st_reiter@edumail.at >, August 2nd, 2002